Preparing for the Harvest

Preparing for the Harvest

Summer is coming to an end which means that it is time to transition to get ready for harvest season. This is a crucial time for addressing problems and taking preventative measures. Follow these suggestions to make sure that you and your equipment are properly geared up for the season before us:

Give Yourself Time
– It is better to be prepared too early than too late. Waiting for the latter can cause a loss of precious time and money. Dedicate some time for yourself to get you and your machine ready for the upcoming season.

Test-Drives and Maintenance Checks – In order to make sure that your machine is ready for the harvest, it is important to identify any potential issues beforehand. Make a list of any issues you remember encountering last year, those you find on a test-run, and those that you find when performing a maintenance check.

Order Parts Sooner Rather Than Later – Addressing minor issues before they become amplified can save you a very large amount of money in the long-run. If you identify a problem with your machine, locate the part number for which you need a replacement or repair. If a part number cannot be found, be prepared to provide your make, model, and serial number and the part needed to a representative. It is important to be sure to place an order early on to ensure that if it is not in stock then it can be brought in before it is needed.



Make Sure to Update Technology and Software  Technology, software, and programs need to be updated regularly to make sure that they are operating most efficiently. Setting aside time to make sure everything is up-to-date can save time in all facets of the business.

Keep a Log of Equipment/Machinery Issues – This will simplify the process moving forward and help document exactly what/when maintenance was performed. Keep a running log of any issues and maintenance and be sure to have the list backed up in case something goes wrong.


We carry a wide variety of parts for many different makes, models, and machines. We strive to offer the highest quality aftermarket parts (tractor parts too!), in the timeliest manner, at the most reasonable prices. If you cannot find the part that you are looking for are need assistance, we have a knowledgeable staff that is dedicated to helping you!

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